Product / UX / UI design

UX Clients I have worked with

UX/UI Responsive Web Design

UX My Process

Design Thinking is UCD approach. It is an iterative, non-linear process that encourages you to test early & often.

Source: Nielsen Norman Group


In this step, I observe user behaviours and try to understand the users' needs. My typical activities include:

  • UX workshop with stakeholders
    • Who is the user?
    • What is the context in which the product is being used?
    • Capture environment, devices, disabilities. For example, are they at home, in the office, on a train, info on devices, and any disabilities you should take into account
  • User research:
    • Interviews
    • Ethnographic research - This is a type of field study, where we observe user in their natural environment
    • Secondary research - Such as articles, studies, etc, to identify best practices and pitfalls
  • Competitor analysis
  • Feature analysis


In this stage, I will use the information gathered previously and define the problem, by looking for patterns and insights about the users. My typical activities include:

  • User interview analysis
  • Personae
  • Storyboards
  • Customer journey map


In this phase, I will generate a range of potential solutions to the problem. My typical activities include:

  • Brainstorming workshop (note and vote)
  • Define use cases and high-level stories
  • Information architecture - Where will it live? Card sorting is an example of a something you could do
  • Find-ability - This is about navigation, if they can't find it, they can't use it
  • Content strategy & visual hierarchy - This is about having the right information, in the right place at the right time
  • User flow diagrams
  • Lo-fi wireframes - Desktop and mobile
  • Start user testing wireframes


In this stage, my typical activities include:

  • Visual design & mockups
    • Identify design patterns - Reuse existing or define new ones
    • Accessibility - For example, W3C guidelines (WCAG), use of colour, etc
    • Mobile responsiveness - For all viewports and devices
  • Build UI kit
  • Interactive prototypes
  • Continue testing


In this stage, I will test and evaluate the prototype with the target users. I will gather feedback to refine the prototype and ensure it meets their needs. My typical activities include:

  • Usability testing
  • Continuous iteration - 'Test and learn' cycles


In this stage, my typical activities include:

  • Update the atomic design system
  • Update UI component library (in the codebase, for example, storybook)
  • Accessibility - For example: W3C guidelines (WCAG), alt tags, aria labels, screen readers, etc
  • Zeplin handover to engineering

Post Implementation

By continuing to analyse the product, we will gain valuable knowledge and insights for future development. In this stage, my typical activities include:

  • Gathering analytics and metrics
  • Continue testing
  • Conduct user research - Surveys and interviews
  • Recommendations for improvements